Easy ways to reduce single use products as a parent

In 2022, almost 90% of Plastic Free July participants made at least one lasting conscious change. By choosing to refuse single use plastics, they reduced their household waste and recycling by a staggering 4.1%.
- Plastic Free Foundation
If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.
- Plastic Free Foundation’s Impact Report 2022
Designer Bums is here to help you plan out some small changes that will help you to make a big difference to your use of single use products. Increasingly Australian’s are experiencing Climate Anxiety and making changes to our lifestyles can seem overwhelming. This can become exacerbated when we become parents as we explore new products within our households and as we think about the future of the planet that our little ones will live on.
As part of Plastic Free July the Designer Bums Team wanted to take this opportunity to help you to start with some small achievable changes to reduce single use products in your Nursery and Household. For those of you who are already actively reducing your reliance on single use items we hope that you can find some inspiration here as well to help you on your journey.
Our Six Easy Swaps for All Parents
- Wet Bags
- Swim Nappies & Recycled Swimwear
- Reusable Cloth Wipes
- Nursing Pads
- Sanitary Pads
- Reusable Nappies
Together we can take small steps to make a big impact. We think that every use of a reusable item prevents landfill and is a good thing!
Take our Sustainability Scavenger Hunt to see how many reusable items you already have in your Nursery and House and get some inspiration for things that you can add.
Tick off your eco friendly items in our list:
- Reusable Cloth Nappies
- Nursing Pads
- Sanitary Pads / Undies / Cup etc.
- Bamboo Toothbrush
- Swim Nappy
- Reusable Cloth Wipes
- Reusable Bowl Covers / Beeswax Wraps
- Shopping Totes
- Reusable Straws
- Travel cutlery for your car/ handbag/ baby bag
- Regular sized Wet Bags
- Mini Wet Bags
- Bamboo Bibs
- Bar Soap for Bath time
- Organic Cotton Swaddle
- Reusable Water Bottle
- Green Toys
- Reusable Coffee Cup
- Organic Cotton Bedding
- Steel or Glass food storage containers
- Recycled Swimwear
Tally up your totals and let us help you with some small switches
0-5 Sounds like you might be in need of a few easy switches
Our blog article How families can reduce their waste and save money with Designer Bums can help you to make some simple changes that you can feel good about right away. [https://designerbums.com.au/blogs/db-tips/how-families-can-reduce-their-waste-and-save-money-with-designer-bums]
6-11 You are making some great changes, lets see if we can add a few more
Have you considered Reusable Nappies? If you havent and want to know more check out ‘A Beginners Guide to Reusble Cloth Nappies’ here https://designerbums.com.au/blogs/db-tips/a-beginners-guide-to-reusable-cloth-nappies
Reusable Nursing Pads are often mistaken for coasters at our baby shows, and that’s just one idea for upcycling once you no longer need them as nursing pads. Learn more about Designer Bums Nursing Pads in our handy blog [https://designerbums.com.au/blogs/db-tips/reusable-nursing-pads]
Alternatively you might just want to browse through our range. Our Home page is a great place to start your journey.
12-16 You’ve really put some thought into reducing single use products. Can we help with adding a few more?
Have you checked out our full range of Wet Bags? Our blog article ‘Reduce your carbon footprint with an easy switch’ will give you the low down on why we love wet bags so much and some ideas for uses around your house. [https://designerbums.com.au/blogs/db-tips/reduce-your-carbon-footprint-with-an-easy-switch]
16+ You are a friend to the Planet and could probably teach us a thing or two!
Did you know that you can even get money back on some reusable products? To find out more check out our blog [https://designerbums.com.au/blogs/db-tips/plastic-free-july-with-designer-bums]
Visit us on our socials to let us know how Designer Bums helps you to reduce plastic in your home. Pop a picture up of an easy switch you would like to share and make sure you tag us @designerbums_mcn so that we see it! Is there something you would like us to add to our range to help you make an even bigger difference?
Further Reading
Zero Waste Halloween where we talk through how to celebrate and decorate sustainably.
Plastic Free July https://www.plasticfreejuly.org/