How families can reduce their waste and save money with Designer Bums

Designer Bums have been helping families to reduce waste and reliance on single use products for over a decade. Starting out with a boutique range of modern cloth nappies, we grew the products offered to meet needs in the eco-parenting space. One of the core values of Designer Bums is social responsibility and we believe that every reusable product used has a direct impact on the number of single-use disposable items entering the environment as landfill and water waste
Many families want to reduce their reliance on single use products but are unsure where to start. The good news is that this is not an all or nothing approach, and there are many small changes that you can make that will have an immediate impact on how many single use items are going into landfill. You might find that you need to make a larger initial financial outlay when purchasing reusable products, but this pays off in the long run as these products can be re-used and upcycled reducing the need to make any ongoing purchases.
What are some simple swaps you can make?

Swapping single use baby wipes for Reusable Baby Wipes. Choosing reusable wipes ensures there are no chemicals being used on your little ones sensitive skin. They also result in savings as you can reuse them and upcycle them once they are no longer needed as cloth wipes. One reservation that we often hear about the use of reusable wipes is how to clean them. As a parent you will often get clothing with wee and poo leaks and we don’t cringe about washing these in our washing machines. We recommend washing your cloth wipes in your washing machine with a hot wash and full detergent to get them clean and sanitary.
Switching over to Cloth Sanitary Pads. Sustainable period options are something that many women are considering more and more which we love to see. The gel used to draw away moisture in single use pads can often overdry the area and cause irritation in addition to being an ongoing monthly expense. Using a reusable, chemical free option can be more comfortable and can save money in the long run after the initial outlay on products. Reusable products are easy to care for and can be washed in your washing machine ensuring that you never run out.

Choosing Reusable Nursing Pads over single use pads. Many new mums only realise they need nursing/breast pads when they see them listed as an item on their hospital list. You can’t predict how much and for how long you will leak after having your little one. For some mothers it is only until their milk stabilises and for others it continues for the entirety of their breastfeeding experience. Choosing a reusable option is an easy way to reduce waste, save money, and ensure that there are no chemicals up against your skin. Once you have finished with them these pads make fantastic makeup removers!
Pack your own straws and cutlery into a handy Straw Pouch. Straw pouches can be easier to fit into handbags and backpacks compared to plastic cutlery containers. Being prepared with your own cutlery can ensure you don’t need to use single use options when out and about. Simply pop your used cutlery back into a straw pouch for easy transport home.
Choose a Wet Bag that meets your needs. It’s so easy to reach for a plastic option, especially for things like wet items, dirty clothing, and storage of spare clothing in our little ones bags for care and school. Wet Bags come in a range of sizes and can be reused. They make it easy to store things and also hold in smells making them the perfect option for things like dirty or soiled items. Wet Bags have never ending uses and some of our favourites are to compartmentalise clothing within suitcases for travel, uniform storage for after school activities, spare clothing storage, and much more!

And the ultimate waste reduction option is to make the switch to part time or full time reusable Cloth Nappies. Our recommendation is to purchase at least enough for 1 days use if you are not yet sure if you want to go to full time use right away. Interestingly many families find full time use easier than part time use as you get a full washing load making them easier to clean and care for with less transitioning between products. Benefits of reusable nappies beyond reduction in landfill are that they are nice and gentle on your little ones skin, ensuring it is not over dried by chemical products. The natural feedback that they will get from nappy wetness can also contribute to toilet training success when the time comes.
Your changes don’t have to be big and small changes over time can still make a big difference. Small changes over time can often be more sustainable and every little change makes a difference to the number of items going to landfill. Our products are designed to be easy to use so swapping over to a reusable option can be smooth as possible.