How To Get The Perfect Fit With A Designer Bums Nappy

At Designer Bums, we think that the most important detail when using modern cloth nappies (MCN) is to get the right fit. This will ensure that your nappy gives you good performance, your inserts will do their job effectively and the nappy is comfortable for your child. Cloth nappies have a reputation for being very bulky but compared with other brands, Designer Bums ART POP All in 2 nappies are very trim and sit just like regular underwear. Our nappies should last 2-4 hours before they need changing. Regular changing will keep your child clean, fresh and reduces the risk of nappy rash. The World Health Organization recommends changing nappies every two hours.
The design of our nappies allows you plenty of flexibility to get the perfect fit, regardless of the shape your child. The array of snaps on the cover allows you to create a tiny newborn shape, open it out for the toddler stage and snap down for every shape in between. Designer Bums ART POP nappies are constructed with two internal snaps to hold the rectangular booster in place and a pocket for stuffing inserts. These features also make it easier to fit the nappies when your child goes through a wiggly stage. You will also likely get to a stage, around six months where you think that there is absolutely no way that these nappies will last your little ball of rolls until toilet training. Rest assured that when they get up and moving, those rolls will melt off and you will likely find yourself snapping up to a smaller size again.
Boosting for Different Ages And Shapes
Designer Bums ART POP All in 2 nappies come with an anchor shaped booster and a rectangular snap in booster. These are thirsty 450gsm bamboo and when used together will give you plenty of absorbency for your little one. For newborns, you can often use just the rectangular, snap in insert to begin with. This allows the nappy to sit nicely when snapped down into the newborn setting. As your child gets bigger and urine output increases, the anchor insert can be added with the rectangle or instead of it. The anchor sits nicely when the widest part is placed in the back of the nappy and the long tail can be doubled over to add greater absorbency in the wet zone. On that note, you may be used to buying specific boy and girl nappies if you have been using disposable nappies. The concept of boys and girls needing the absorbency placed differently is a bit of a marketing ploy. Due to the shape of the immature female pelvis, both boys and girls will wet to the front of the nappy so the benefit of Designer Bums ART POP nappies is that you can customise where you put the inserts to suit your child. The bamboo inserts will do the rest of the work by wicking moisture along its length until the entire insert is wet.
Perfect Fit All Round
To get the perfect fit, you need to add the required boosters to the gusset of the nappy and then lay your child on it. MCNs go on a bit differently to a disposable nappy. Starting with the nappy low at the back, the front of the nappy is pulled up between the legs and held over the lower abdomen. To get the nappy secured, pull the wing of the nappy from the back and lift it up and over the hip. This action pulls the nappy up to contain the bottom and the snaps can be done up to create a firm but comfortable fit. Once snapped, the leg elastics must be placed in the same crease that your underwear elastic sits. Running your finger around the elastic allows you to tuck it up into the groin, along the rear of the thigh and up under the wing, ensuring that it is over the top of the thigh.
Take a look at the result. If there is any gaping around the thighs, then you may need to tighten the rise snaps by one row. A good seal will prevent leaks and ensure that the material doesn’t rub. If you have the rise snapped down, you will be left with excess material gathered behind the snaps. Ensure that this excess material is tucked up towards the waist of the nappy to help ensure the seal is maintained. A small amount of gape at the waist of the nappy is normal and allows your baby to flex and stretch unrestricted. If clothing is getting wet at the waist, check to ensure the lining of the nappy and inserts are completely contained within the cover.
Night time boosting
When you decide to use cloth overnight, you are going to need more boosting to get you through the night. When you have a newborn, you change at every feed but when your bub starts sleeping longer stretches, you need to make sure that your nappy will go the distance. This is when you will need one of the Designer Bums trifold boosters. This clever insert folds in three and gives you six layers of thirsty 450gsm bamboo. This booster will create a bit of bulk that can interfere with getting a good seal around the thighs with the leg elastic. The best way to deal with this, is to fold the trifold and place it inside the pocket. The pocket opens to the rear of the nappy and by placing it under the lining of the cover, it allows the booster to sit in the nappy without dragging the elastics away.
After Sale Support With Designer Bums
If you are still having issues getting the most out of your nappies, there is a link to our handy fitting tutorial on our website and we are contactable by email to help you get it just right.